6: WTC Collapse Records Studied as Meme Replication

Recall, the main thesis of this book is that there is no accurate technical record or descriptions of the collapses of any of the 3 buildings in any government, academic, or professional literature. If this thesis is true, one can expect to see evidence of extreme confusion within the discussion of these issues on all social levels.

One can witness rampant confusion regarding all aspects of the collapses, as it is quite visible. It is everywhere, at all technical and social levels, yet few people notice how poorly the collapse histories and collapse mechanics are described.

David Bohm from part 1.2, interview 2:

"The real test of a map is whether it guides us correctly through a city. If it's a wrong map we will find incoherence in our actions."

Such incoherence is observable on multiple levels, through multiple individuals and groups, and throughout the written records and follow-up studies of the collapse events.

Viewing the written record as a whole: the interactive technical pyramid

In the red portion of the pyramid the available literature is linked below

FEMA Building Performance Study
All NIST Reports on WTC Collapses
ASCE Published Papers and Research on WTC Collapses

Careful reading of these sources reveals that the FEMA reports claim the Twin Towers failed through the cores of each building, while the NIST reports claim something quite different. The FEMA and NIST reports claim that during the collapse initiation processes the buildings moved in quite different ways.

There are groups of ASCE publications on the collapses that still claim the buildings collapsed like interacting blocks, crushing down before crushing up. Within the literature there are no consistent mappings of observed building behavior during either the initiations or the collapses available anywhere.

Journalists are understandably helpless to read or fact-check technical claims made in the literature linked above. They generally echo or parrot the most general points of the literature.

Reconstructing and comparing the visual and written histories of the WTC collapses

In part 2, reconstructions of the collapse events for WTC1, 2 and 7 were assembled. In part 3 it was shown that by using the visual reconstructions created, it is possible to spot common misrepresentations in what is currently considered the historic record of collapse events given through the government reports (the NIST reports). It is also possible to spot misrepresentations in ASCE publications and in claims surfacing through various groups and individuals. These misrepresentations seem to come in complementary pairs, and discussions using these misrepresentations results in types of pseudo-debate, which I refer to as a false choice. Part 6 demonstrats how these groups of misrepresentations have been widely distributed to the general public through, technical literature, mass media and various websites.

The first notable item within technical literature and media is that people on the whole tend to be remarkably detached from the visual record. This is understandable. It is quite difficult to reconstruct events from the visual record, and a comprehensive visual record of events was not even available to the public until close to a decade after the collapses, well after common memes were well-replicated and established in technical literature and media. This detachment is what has allowed misrepresentations to continue to repeat themselves and flourish unchecked.

People tend to be detached from the history of the collapses in 2 ways:

1) They are detached from the visual record of events
2) They are detached from written records of events

The resulting atmosphere allows historic revisionism to flourish unchecked. In other words, anyone can say anything they want and there is little effort or capacity to check the claim for accuracy. Groups of like-minded people emerge under the banner of some common, shared beliefs. Since the groups are detached from their own visual records and written histories of the events, they make little or no effort or have little or no ability to fact-check their own claims.

Even so, many people will still take on very strong opinions over what actually happened to the WTC towers. When people come to believe in misrepresentations, they form a detachment from the historic record, often without being aware of it. The misrepresentations, to them, become truer than the events themselves. Accumulation of beliefs in these misrepresentations come to form a type of historic revisionism in the form of meme propagation.

There are at least 3 ways by which the technical literature and news articles on the WTC collapses can be examined:

1) For technical accuracy

2) For perception: As an indication of how each author understood the WTC1 and 2 collapse modes at the time they wrote their respective papers

3) As a study of propagating memes within a meme-plex: as memes and memetics

Each of the 3 methods reveals highly illuminating features of how information on the WTC collapses is passed through our societies and the world in general.

By 'meme', I use the word as Richard Dawkins introduced the term in 1975:

A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.[3]

The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα Greek pronunciation: [m�ːmɛːma] mīmēma, "imitated thing", from μιμεῖσθαι mimeisthai, "to imitate", from μῖμος mimos "mime")[4] and it was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976)[1][5] as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion, and the technology of building arches.[6]

Proponents theorize that memes may evolve by natural selection in a manner analogous to that of biological evolution. Memes do this through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance, each of which influence a meme's reproductive success. Memes spread through the behavior that they generate in their hosts. Memes that propagate less prolifically may become extinct, while others may survive, spread, and (for better or for worse) mutate. Memes that replicate most effectively enjoy more success, and some may replicate effectively even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of their hosts.[7]

A field of study called memetics[8] arose in the 1990s to explore the concepts and transmission of memes in terms of an evolutionary model.

Viewing the technical literature on the WTC1 and 2 as a study of scientific meme replication

There is a systematic way to study WTC collapse references made in technical literature from 2001 to the present. Such a system-wide approach to information tracking within scientific and technical publications was taken in a paper titled:

Inheritance patterns in citation networks reveal scientific memes

by Tobias Kuhn, Matjaˇz Perc, and Dirk Helbing

The paper is linked here.

Anyone who wishes could use a similar but less formal and powerful technique to map how well the the WTC collapse modes or a progressive floor collapse concept is understood within the written record as a whole.

Using these search techniques, citation and reference networks or any references to the WTC collapse progression mode can be observed and understood as an interacting whole.

This approach to the mapping of meme propagation can be used with WTC collapse literature in 3 beneficial ways:

1) To map the entire network to see and understand the body of literature as a whole

2) To map individual memes replicating through published papers, news articles, and popular perception.

3) To understand the origin and replication of memes related to the WTC collapses

From the paper:

Science is central to many key pillars of human culture, and probably the most popular concept to describe the most influential aspects of our culture is that of a meme. The term "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Self ish Gene [19], where he argues that cultural entities such as words, melodies, recipes, and ideas evolve similarly as genes, involving replication and mutation but using human culture instead of the gene pool as their medium of propagation. Re cent research on memes has enhanced our understanding of the dynamics of the news cycle [20], the tracking of information epidemics in blogspace [21], and the political polarization on Twitter [22]. It has been shown that the evolution of memes can be exploited effectively for inferring networks of diffusion and influence [23], and that information contained in memes is evolving as it is being processed collectively in online social media [24]. The question of how memes compete with each other for the limited and fluctuating resource of user attention has also amassed the attention of scientists, who showed that social network structure is crucial for understanding the diversity of memes [25] and that their competition can bring the network at the brink of criticality [26], where even minute dis turbances can lead to avalanches of events that make a certain meme go viral [27].

The authors define a 'scientific meme' in this way:

While the study of memes in mass media and popular culture has been based primarily on their aggregated wave-like occurrence patterns, the citation network of scientific literature allows for more sophisticated and fine-grained analyses. Quantum, fission, graphene, self-organized criticality, and traffic flow are examples of well-known memes from the field of physics, but what exactly makes such memes different from other words and phrases found in the scientific literature? As an answer to this question, we propose the following definition that is modeled after Dawkins' underlying definition of the word "gene" [19]: A scientific meme is a short unit of text in a publication that is replicated in citing publications and thereby distributed around in many copies; the more likely a certain sequence of words is to be broken apart, altered, or simply not present in citing publications, the less it qualifies to be called a meme. Publications that reproduce words or phrases from cited publications are thus the analog to offspring organisms that inherit genes from their parents. In contrast to existing work on scientific memes, our approach is therefore grounded in the "inheritance mechanisms" of memes and not just their accumulated frequencies.

According to our definition, scientific memes are entities that propagate within the network of citations. To identify them and study their properties and dynamics, we therefore need databases of scientific publications that include citation data. Here we rely on 47.1 million publication records from the Web of Science, PubMed Central and the American Physical Society. Due to their representative long-term coverage of a specific field of research, we focus mainly on the titles and abstracts of almost half a million publications of the Physical Review and the pertaining citation data, which were published between July 1893 and December 2009. To demonstrate the robustness of our method, we also present results for the over 46 million publications indexed by the Web of Science, and for the over 0.6 million publications from the open access subset of PubMed Central that covers research mostly from the biomedical domain and mostly from recent years.


Memetics is a theory of mental content based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution, originating from the popularization of Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene.[1] Proponents describe memetics as an approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer.

Susan Blackmore (2002) re-stated the definition of meme as: whatever is copied from one person to another person, whether habits, skills, songs, stories, or any other kind of information. Further she said that memes, like genes, are replicators in the sense as defined by Dawkins.[10] That is, they are information that is copied. Memes are copied by imitation, teaching and other methods. The copies are not perfect: memes are copied with variation; moreover, they compete for space in our memories and for the chance to be copied again. Only some of the variants can survive. The combination of these three elements (copies; variation; competition for survival) forms precisely the condition for Darwinian evolution, and so memes (and hence human cultures) evolve. Large groups of memes that are copied and passed on together are called co-adapted meme complexes, or memeplexes. In her definition, the way that a meme replicates is through imitation. This requires brain capacity to generally imitate a model or selectively imitate the model.

Useful terminology to study literature on the WTC collapses:

Memeplex - (an abbreviation of meme-complex) is a collection or grouping of memes that have evolved into a mutually supportive or symbiotic relationship.[31] Simply put, a meme-complex is a set of ideas that reinforce each other. Meme-complexes are roughly analogous to the symbiotic collection of individual genes that make up the genetic codes of biological organisms. An example of a memeplex would be a religion.

Meme pool - a population of interbreeding memes.

Memetic engineering - The process of deliberately creating memes, using engineering principles.


There are popular and regularly recurring memes associated with both the WTC1 and 2 initiation failures and the collapse progression modes. In fact, the techical literature can be viewed as nothing more than meme propagation.

WTC1 and 2 Collapse Propagation Memeplex and Common Propagation Memes

A series of peer reviewed papers on the WTC collapse progressions was introduced in section 2.3, in step 4. Every paper without exception had the same limitations and mistakes:

These limitations and mistakes reveal an underlying environment in which such limits of perception are normalized. These views and this consensus become the 'norm', the dominant meme. The limitations reveal common patterns that can be interpreted to imply a deceptive type of 'consensus' among the authors.

There is also a corresponding collapse propagation memeplex in online literature. Many examples were already listed in

3.7: Block Misrepresentations of Collapse Progressions

Other related popular memes on the WTC1 and 2 collapse progression modes include:

These memes are repeated with an amazing consistency throughout technical literature, news articles, and common, popular comments about the WTC collapses.

WTC1 and 2 Collapse Initiation Memeplex and Common Initiation Memes

A series of memes about the WTC1 collapse initiation movement and WTC1 and 2 failure mechanisms were started by the NIST in 2005.

These memes have replicated with astounding success even though they are directly contradicted by the visual record of collapse events. The NIST collapse initiation meme started in 2005 is, by far, the dominant meme on this subject. Considering that the NIST claims of WTC1 and 2 initiation movement flatly contradicts the visual record of the event, the success of this meme has effectively stunted critical thinking on this subject for nearly a decade.

WTC7 Collapse Memeplex

WTC7 memes

freefall, symmetry

Meme replication within technical literature has many effects on all levels of the technical hierarchy, mass media, and on the general population. The same networks of meme propagation are visible on all levels of large-scale social communication, all the way from technical journals to news message boards.

Detailed examples of meme replication on each level of the technical hierarchy are given in the following sections:

6.1: Meme Replication in Technical Journals

6.2: Meme Replication in Mass Media

6.3: Meme Replication in Popular Culture

6.4: John Q Public and the WTC Collapse Records

The origin of many of these memes can be traced to Government reports and technical journals. They are also rampant on the internet, also in the form of scientific sounding memes

On to Conclusions.